Uncover The Magic In A Pot Of Paint

Armed with nothing more than a pot of paint we each have the ability to influence our psychological health and if needed recovery.

90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. We process images 60,000 times faster than text. For designers colour adds magic to a design, it can draw the eye and create a shorthand message. 

Yellow, orange and red send light rays of the smallest frequency and longest wavelength which means we see yellow first. Red can be seen from the longest distance.

We may be familiar with the Scandinavian colour schemes of white, blue, black and grey to create a chic interior. However, research into the impact of certain colours show it does far more than make a room or building attractive. [1]

For the Danes it’s ‘hygge’ (pronounced hue-guh) a word used when acknowledging a feeling or moment, alone or with others, as cosy, charming or special


Appetite can be stimulated with orange whilst blue can suppress it. There are now very specific colour schemes for dining rooms in mental health facilities treating people with anorexia. Similarly orange also stimulates mental activity, so is often avoided in mental health units treating those with more intense psychological conditions.

The impact of colour is not always obvious. Red is energetic and powerful, it raises blood pressure, and therefore not the first choice for anything related to a cardiac unit. Yellow although associated with happiness and energy is often avoided in maternity and neonatal wards because it can make babies cry more.

Green of any hue is known for its balanced healing properties. It’s a restful colour that symbolizes growth and renewal. It encourages comfort and equilibrium and is particularly beneficial for the heart, lungs and circulatory system. That’s one of the reasons why being outside in nature is so important to our health and well-being.

When we’re designing anything at The Graphic Design House colour is crucial and is the first of our design pillars. It’s the first thing the eye processes and can engage or repel. If you’d like to know a little more about The Magic of Pigment please see our free  pocket guide.

[1] http://ki.com/pdfs/Color_in_Healthcare_Settings_Paper.pdf