Why Motion Matters

Across human evolution our ability to detect a moving predator has been crucial.

Research has shown that animate motion does indeed capture visual attention more quickly than static. Interestingly it’s not necessarily the uniqueness of the display but the motion - hence you don't need to create a Pixar classic.



We live in a world where video content has exploded across websites (albeit with 85% of people viewing them with the sound off) and of course social media.

We’re blending worlds. Virtual and classroom learning, print and digital, even most recently theatre performances and musicians moving performances on line. 

The marketing challenge remains - standing out, being distinctive and getting, whatever the audience, to engage.

You may want a noteworthy opening to your online production or to mark the start of your virtual lesson or maybe you’ve managed to hold on to someone past the favoured 0.5 secs website loading time then 75% of people don’t scroll past the first page and you need them to.



One simple idea? Use your logo, animate it. It’s effective, contemporary and current and it may give you those precious few seconds to engage that audience.

But a word of warning, use it wisely and only once to engage. In user testing, time and again participants have said they like to see an animation but when it’s repeated over and over it becomes annoying!

If you would like to see an example, see below.

1] It’s Alive! Animate Motion  Captures Visual Attention. Jay Pratt, Petre V, Radulescu, Ruo Mu Guo, and Richard A. Abrams .University of  Toronto. University of Waterloo. Washington University in St. Louis