So how do you make your cause known? How can you take your organisation to the next level and stand out among the thousands of other charities? We’ve been working with the third sector for 15 years. In understanding their challenges and designing different types of print and digital material for them we’ve noticed six things that seem to make a difference. We thought we’d share and hope it helps you.

"The team at The Graphic Design House have been a pleasure to work with. Their creativity, coupled with practical design expertise made sure the outcome of the leaflets and posters were as promised. We couldn't be happier."

Communication Officer

Age UK London

1. Concise Messages And Imagery Create Impact

British photographer David Yarrow launched a campaign in 2019 to help save the wildlife affected by the Australian bush fires with this powerful image. Trevor Beattie and TBWA created the Dogs Trust message “A dog is for life not just for Christmas" 30 years ago and it’s still impactful and relevant today. Whether you’re using a postcard, leaflet or web banner advert remember images and a succinct message matter.

2. Clearly Define The Problem

Demonstrating you've done your research engages the audience and delivers that sense of importance or urgency to encourage them to act.

"We’re losing our incredible wildlife at an alarming rate. Between 1970 and 2013, 56% of species in the UK declined. We need to act quickly to restore nature to its glorious best." WWF

3. What Are Your Plans?

Explaining how you plan to address the problem and what you are going to do in a way that’s engaging can be challenging but its really important.

4. Show How People Can Help And The Difference It Makes...

Whether that’s asking people to get involved by attending something (even if that’s virtual) or to write a simple postcard to the charity to stay connected which they post on their social channels.

5. Keep Them Informed About The Impact and Include Meaningful Measurements

From annual reports, magazines, newsletters to digital flipbooks. You can even link channels together. Click here to see how we integrate design.

6. However You Ask For Support Make It Cost Effective

One of our group companies is The Mailing People who pledge to find the cheapest way possible to mail your messages. On average The Mailing People save 16% on postage.

  • Mailing a min of 4000. Sounds odd, but it's cheaper to mail 4000 than say 3000 as postage discounts kick in at 4000 items and the postage drops significantly
  • Keep the pack to under 100g and A5

  • Die-cut postcards/mailers always grab attention and the reverse could be a poster for the kids to colour and stick in the window to show support.


Approximate postage savings to all clients